Missions /
Orbital Refueling
Vivace Orbital Refueling Mission Support
In humanity’s quest to travel further from Earth, bigger missions have always meant bigger launch vehicles. As our aspirations expand, this strategy is no longer viable. Bolder missions require systems that can stay in orbit for multiple cycles without returning to Earth’s gravity well. Orbital refueling of spacecraft is a key enabling technology for missions of the future.
Vivace is supporting active orbital refueling missions with propellant tanks and systems that will pave the way for on-orbit propellant transfer and open new horizons in space exploration. Broad experience with propulsion systems and fluid dynamics places Vivace at the leading edge of development of this critical new technology.
Vivace Enabling Technologies: Orbital Refueling mission
Propellant Tanks
- Vivace provides aluminum, steel, and titanium tanks with specialized ports and external interfaces for orbital refueling development missions.
- Most orbital refueling tanks include Propellant Management Devices (PMDs) to control internal fluid motion during complex and demanding propellant transfer functions.
Vivace Related Products

Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels (COPV)

COPV Propellant Tanks

COPV Pressurant Tanks